Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Power of Words conference: Liberation through the Spoken, Written and Sung Word

Sept. 12-15, 2008, Goddard College, Plainfield, VT.

Seek greater freedom and transformation for yourself and your community through the power of words at this unique gathering of people who write, tell stories, perform, and do other language arts. Make community with others in the emerging field of Transformative Language Arts, and discover ways to make a living doing what you love.

* Walter Mosley, author of 29 books, including The Year You Write Your Novel;
* Bread and Puppet Theatre Company;
* Kelley Hunt, international rhythm and blues singer-songwriter;
* Rick Jarow, author of Creating the Work You Love;
* Sherry Reiter, poetry therapy pioneer; the Afrikana Madonna performing spoken word soul; and
*Lewis Mehl-Madrona, author of Coyote Medicine and native American physician and shaman.

Over 25 presentations by writers, storytellers, performers, community leaders, medical professionals, songwriters, healers, and social change artists include Janet Aalfs, Callid and Kristina Keefe-Perry, Elizabeth “Beth” Hin, Marianela Medrano-Marra, Reggie Marra, and Evelyn Torton Beck, and Kelley Hunt & Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg leading a full-day pre-conference workshop on making a living through the arts. Organized by Goddard College’s Transformative Language Arts concentration, this conference features hands-on workshops, performances, open readings & celebrations at the peak of fall foliage. Conference costs start at $210 for registration plus additional fees for pre- and post-conference workshops. Lodging and all meals on campus begin at $216/double or $276/single. Some partial scholarships available including scholarships through the Roxanne Florence Fund for people of color. Work-study positions available. Professional and poetry therapy hours available. Complete schedule and registration at www.goddard.edu/powerofwords or call Denise at Denise.Whitesides-Skeeba@goddard.edu, 802/454-8311, x204.

NOTE: Early bird registration until June 1st!
Special Pre-Conference Amherst Writers & Artists Training: AWA is pleased to offer its four-day Writing Group Leadership Training, an intensive in the AWA writing group method and its application to writers of all levels and from diverse backgrounds, at before the conference Sept. 8-12, 2008 at the college, and for a reduced rate (please see http://www.amherstwriters.com/ for further information, and to register.

Transformative Language Arts, part of Goddard College’s individualized MA program (www.goddard.edu/masterarts_individualized), is a 48-hour MA degree in social and personal transformation through the spoken and written word. Goddard College, a pioneer in progressive education, encourages its students to become creative, passionate, lifelong learners, working and living with an earnest concern for others and for the welfare of the Earth. http://www.goddard.edu/

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